How to configure https in localhost bangla
How to Configure HTTPS in localhost Bangla

How to configure HTTPS in localhost

In this video, I explained every details about "How to configure HTTPS in localhost Bangla or How to configure TLS Certificate in localhost". So for better understanding, please check out…

what is linear regression
What is Linear Regression?

What is Linear Regression?

For better understanding about, what is Linear Regression, let me give you some simple example. Suppose you observe some random employees salary from a particular company. And you notice that…

how to import csv file into python in spyder ide
How to Import a CSV File into Python in Spyder IDE

How to Import a CSV File into Python in Spyder IDE

পাইথনে সিএসভি ফাইল ইম্পোর্ট করতে আমি যে ডামি সিএসভি ফাইলটি ব্যবহার করবো সেটি হচ্ছে student-info.csv পাইথনে এই সিএসভি ফাইলটি ইম্পোর্ট করতে আমাদের যে স্টেপ গুলো ফলো করতে হবে তা নিচে…